No, just wanted to compare notes on keeping tabs on their credit score. I'm currently using 3 free tools:
and the Experian free tool with Barclaycard
I'm happy to show my comparison - however bear in mind the Clearscore is out of 700, Experian out of 999 - so that's why i have converted to percentage in brackets. I can't see it anywhere on Noddle, but I assume their score is also out of 700.
Code: Select all
Noddle Clearscore Experian(bc)
Sep 2015 392
Oct 2015 591 427
Nov 2015 591 470
Dec 2015 591 485 (69) 763 (76)
Jan 2016 581 502 (72) 763 (76)
Feb 2016 578 528 (75) 734 (73)
Mar 2016 578 513 (73) 734 (73)
Apr 2016 578 528 (75) 731 (73)
Obviously the numbers will be meaningless to you all, as you don't know what I've got, owe, or when cards & accounts have changed. What I thought would be useful for readers would be:
- my observations on the different tools
What I think we collectively could contribute would be:
- other peoples experience of the different tools
- any tips for improving credit ratings (now that we can see so easily how it affects the different scores)
So the Experian tool provided with barclaycard I think is pretty poor, its only updated every 2 months, and only has the score as a number - and is (i think) just an opportunity for them to sell you the full tool... (so not worth bothering if you don't already have it)
Although the actual score is irrelevant, clearly they should all be tracking the same information, however I have found that Noddle does miss some of my credit cards (maybe that's a good thing).
I'm doing a little test this month, I cleared my Barclaycard balance down to zero in Feb (bal transfer interest period about to expire), but kept the card open. Despite my outstanding balance in total going down (Clearscore clearly the superior tool for showing this), my overall score has gone down or stayed level. Today I have closed the barclaycard account, so will see what happens to my score next month. (why am I bothered? - considering a house purchase in 3-4 months time)
In summary - well worth £0 per month to have Noddle and Clearscore. Wouldn't bother with Experian free tool. If you had to pick one over the other, I think Clearscore has the edge.
Any more thoughts, observations or ideas...?