I've always thought to be a good stoozer, you need to be a certain type of character. My other half would have no chance and no interest either and I firmly believe that's because she is a different profile to me entirely.
So I thought I'd pull together a list of traits I have that I think make me a good stoozer and are likely to be displayed by other stoozers:
Follow procedures
Rule breaker
On the Myers Briggs Type Index (MBTI), I show as an ISTJ. I don't think Introvert/Extrovert makes a difference to whether you're a good stoozer but I'd put money on most stoozers being STJ or NTJ type.
Does anyone else show similar traits or disagree/agree with my theory?
Stoozer personality profile
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Re: Stoozer personality profile
are STJ and NTJs introvert or extrovert? and how do you simply know which you are?
i like the combination of following procedures but breaking rules and don't disagree haha
i like the combination of following procedures but breaking rules and don't disagree haha
Re: Stoozer personality profile
planteria wrote:i like the combination of following procedures but breaking rules and don't disagree haha
Me too, following banks rules to the letter to get the incentive, but then doing it more than once, or not using your real current account.
Re: Stoozer personality profile
planteria wrote:are STJ and NTJs introvert or extrovert? and how do you simply know which you are?
Have to do the tests planteria, but you'd be unlikely to find them published on the interwebs as the copyright owner is very protective of their assets.
Nevertheless wikipedia has this chart, which might help you to make a guess:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2% ... sTypes.png
I don't remember what my MBTI result was when I did the tests around 15 years ago, although I'm pretty sure it was I rather than E. However isn't E a good trait for business leaders and entrepreneurs? So maybe they wouldn't have much patience for the detail, or stoozing cuts across numerous personality types... there are 16 permutations after all!
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