Stoozing Guide

Make money from 0% credit cards

Stoozing is a way of making money using introductory 0% Credit Cards balance transfer offers. The borrowed money is moved into a savings account where it earns interest. At the end of the 0% offer period, the credit card is paid off and the stoozer retains the interest as stoozing profit.

To start stoozing you would

  • Choose a savings account or offset mortgage that earns good interest on your 'free' credit card money
  • Choose your Stoozing Approach
  • Choose a 0% Credit Card (ask for recommondations at our sister site Lemonfool
  • Use our Stoozing calculator to predict your profit
  • Apply for your first Stoozing card and start earning!

Choose a Savings Account

To stooz you need a savings account with a good interest rate (a high AER)

Choose Your Stoozing Approach

  • Quick-and-easy Fast Stoozing. As its name suggests, this is the quickest way to start racking up stoozing profit and is easy to do.
  • Slow Stoozing (also known as "Simply Spend") is straightforward and natural because it is based on credit card spending, but the stoozing profit does come more slowly.

credit card issuers sometimes offer 0% on Balance Transfers. This allows you to move debt from your existing card to a new card, without interest being charged. They do this by paying off your old credit card for you, so that you owe them the money rather than your existing lender.

That's great, but the stoozer needs to get the money into a bank account rather than another credit card. The good news is that there are a few credit cards on the market that let you pay money directly into a bank account too! We call these cards Super Balance Transfer (SBT) cards and these are the ones you need for Quick-and-Easy Fast Stoozing.

Super Balance Transfer Credit Cards

Before making your credit card application, use our Fast Stoozing Calculator to work out how profitable it will be for you. In particular, enure you complete the fees charged for the transfer. The calculator takes these into account when working out the profitability.

Once you have transferred the money into your bank account, don't forget that you still need to make the minimum monthly payments on time.

Slow Stoozing (or "Simply Spend" Stoozing)

To slow stooz you need to use a card that offers a 0% rate on Purchases. Use our Slow Stoozing Calculator to work out how profitable it will be for you.